Frequently Asked Questions
When was Flicker of Hope founded? Why? 
The Flicker of Hope Foundation was founded in 2018, by the Petropoulos family. Zoe Petropoulos was the inspiration for founding of Flicker of Hope. Zoe was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF) at the age of four months.
What is our aim? 
Throughout Zoe’s journey with NF, it became clear that funding for research into NF was desperately needed. Flicker of Hope was founded with the purpose of being a charity that would solely raise funds to be directed for research into NF – to assist and support researchers in their quest to find new and positive treatments to improve the quality of life for NF sufferers.
How will we achieve this? 
100% of funds raised are directed to support research into NF. Currently we are partnering with the Brain Cancer Centre, WEHI, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, The Children’s Medical Research Institute and The Australian National University.
Where are you based? 
Thanks to the significant financial support of Zoe’s father – Con Petropoulos, Founder & Managing Director of Delta Group – Flicker of Hope has an office in Port Melbourne, which is staffed by volunteers.
How do we raise our funds? 
We rely on the generous support of individuals and businesses. No donation is too small – every single cent makes a difference! We are incredibly grateful to our hard working team of volunteers who constantly offer their time and skills to help us with our special fundraising events. We have also received generous corporate support. All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued upon request.
What percentage of money raised goes towards research? 
The Flicker of Hope Foundation operates on a no cost basis and is staffed by volunteers. When you make a donation via our online platform you have the option to cover any fees associated with your donation, meaning that 100% of your donation will be directed towards research. If you choose not to cover the fees, then that is the only deduction that will be made from your donation.
What percentage of money raised goes towards administration? 
The Flicker of Hope Foundation operates on a no cost basis. There are no staff, administrative or overhead costs deducted from donations received. The only costs incurred by the Foundation are minimal monthly bank fees.
How can I donate to Flicker of Hope? 
You can donate here, buy some of our merch, or contact us at
Is Flicker of Hope an ACNC Registered Charity? 
Yes. The Flicker of Hope Foundation is an ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission) Registered Charity and complies with all ACNC regulations. To find out more about the ACNC visit
How can I get involved? 
We’d love your help! We always need more volunteers to help us shine a light. Contact us at
How can I share my NF story with you? 
We’d love to hear about your NF journey. Contact us at